What is SEO and how has it evolved?

Many people talk about SEO but few really understand it, in this short article you will find out what it is and how SEO has evolved.
The Internet was developed in 1969 as a project called ARPANET created by the United States Department of Defense with the objective of exchanging information between academic and state institutions.

Universities and researchers thought of using lists of keywords that were somehow related to the content and were given the task of organizing these lists which were maintained by humans who grouped the web pages by subject.

In 1991 the first web page was born and since then until today the growth has been exponesial reaching almost one billion web pages; so it was necessary to look for other ways to order it. Giving rise to the search engines.

Created by MIT in 1994 Wandex was born the first engine with the idea of helping the internet user to navigate through all the information that was on the internet to find what he was interested in, soon other search engines emerged, such as Yahoo today merged with Bing.

Search engines use robots and algorithms to index all the information on the network and offer it in an organized way to Internet users and from that moment SEO (Search Engine Optimization) began to be used in a very rudimentary way since appearing first in the results of a search engine was a big business.

Anyone with little empirical knowledge, could place their website in the first position, because there were few pages and the algorithms were very simple.

They used things like page title and keywords to decide which pages were most relevant to a query. However, this form of SEO lasted only a few years.

Because Google trying to make searches more efficient developed new algorithms and their search engine soon endeared itself to the internet users due to the relevance of their results.

The key to this was the use of Page Rank, which is nothing more than estimating the relevance of the page to give it a rating based not only on the density of keywords, but also on the number of links received from other websites.

And from there, the constant changes in their algorithms, which by the way are one of the best kept secrets, has given rise to an evolution in SEO in which much research and hard work of trial and error is necessary that forces to devote full time to this new race, in which the survival of the fittest, is demonstrated with results in the first pages of search engines.

In ADWEBSYS we have been doing SEO for 20 years and our results endorse us, ask for a free quote and free advice.